One for all, all for one!
Start to earn owner's income
We will establish an mutual insurance company and will be the owners of the Estonian non-life insurance market and leave more wealth in Estonia.
Member of insurance union
A Member of a mutual insurance company may be a person who does not have a valid criminal punishment or who has not been subject to bankruptcy proceedings. A legal person registered in Estonia or an Estonian branch of a foreign company with regard to which bankruptcy proceedings or liquidation proceedings have not been commenced can also become a Member.
Become members of the Estonian Mutual Insurance Üks and we will create a cost-effective and competitive insurance for Eestimaa!
A solid future
The Financial Supervision Authority shall verify 100% of the activities of an mutual insurance company as of the moment the authorisation is granted in order to protect the interests of all members and clients.
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Current status
1. Amount of capital raised and subscribed 493 532 €
Kogutud ja märgitud osakapitali summa 493 532 €
The number raised by the share capital consists of two parts: the amount of the contributions of the members to the LHV bank account and the amount of the subscribed share capital by the members/non-members in writing which shall be payable once the amount of the subscribed capital necessary for applying for the authorisation of the insurance undertaking has been collected.
Step in as a Member of the and make a share capital contribution to the bank account of LHV or the amount of the share capital contribution readiness when the eligible share capital is gathered.
The activities of a mutual insurance company are 100% controlled by the Financial Supervision Authority as of the moment the application for an activity licence of an insurance undertaking is issued.
2. Members number 470
The members number of 470 is deemed to be voting members of the person who filled in the data fields of the application for membership on the website and paid the connection fee.
A person who filled in the data fields of the application for membership on the website, paid the connection fee and made a share capital contribution is deemed to be a dividend Member of mutual insurance company.
Step in as a Member of the and make a share capital contribution to the bank account of LHV or the amount of the share capital contribution readiness when the eligible share capital is gathered.
Why to join?
1. More favourable premiums on the overpriced market
More favourable premiums on the overpriced market
Insurers belonging to foreign owners providing services in the Estonian non-life insurance market make a profit of more than 1 million euros per week!
Why to join?
Members’ premiums are always more advantageous by membership bonus than ordinary premiums. The membership bonus is up to 20% for individual policies. Different insurance services have a membership bonus of different value. The membership bonus for home insurance is 20%. The calculation of the home insurance premium below, which shows why the insurance association can offer more favourable insurance premiums to members.
The disbursement level of the home insurance service of the Estonian non-life insurance market is 48% (period January 2019-December 2020). Source: Statistikaamet.
Example. If the home insurance payment is EUR 150
Currently on the market €72 (payouts)/€ 150 (annual premium) = 48%
CALCULATION of THE insurance premium of a member is €72 (payout)/120 (annual insurance premium) = 60%
Why IS insurance premium of the our union 20% more favourable at the same amount of disbursement? Because there are no intermediaries and the goal is not to maximise profits.
Member’s win: 30 euros per year, i.e. 30% productivity on the contribution of 100 euros of share capital, i.e. 30 euros of wins/savings per year + 4. yearly dividends. The more insurance products a Member uses, the bigger the win.
2. Dividend
As soon as the financial results allow, we will start paying dividends. According to the business plan, dividend payments start at 4. year. A dividend shall be paid to a Member according to the proportion of the amount of the contribution or contributions of the Member in the share capital and the amount of the insurance premiums received by the Member to the association.
3. Owner bonus - more favourable insurance premium for members
Owner bonus – more favourable insurance premium for members
An owner bonus, or membership bonus, is an advantage from a regular payment. Members’ premiums are always more advantageous by membership bonus than ordinary premiums. The membership bonus is up to 20% for individual policies. Different insurance services have a membership bonus of different value. The membership bonus for home insurance is 20%.
4. Non-loss years benefit
Non-loss years benefit
An additional benefit of 5% of the previous premium to the Member’s home insurance and/or enterprise property insurance renewal contract if there was no loss.
In the case of group policy solutions entered into with organisations or companies that are members, we shall refund part of the insurance premium paid to the Member if the level of payment of the group policy is lower than the agreed objective.
I'm going to earn owner's income
- Private person
- Company
1. Enter your details and send a request to join.
Any adult who does not have a valid criminal record or who has not been subject to bankruptcy proceedings may become a Member.
Members’ rights, an extract from the statutes.
3.2.1. A Member of an association has the right to: examine the articles of association of the association, the list of members and the resolutions of the general meeting, the management board and the supervisory board during working hours at the seat of the association; attend the general meeting either in person or through an authorised representative; send a copy of the minutes of the general meeting and an extract thereof; obtain information on the results of the Mutual Insurance activities; to receive information from the management board on all matters included on the agenda of the general meeting; receive written notices concerning the time, place and agenda of the general meetings unless, pursuant to law, the summons of the general meeting may be forwarded by e-mail or in the daily newspaper and by publication on the website of the association; select and be elected to the Joint Undertaking’s management and control bodies; participate in the distribution of the profit of the Mutual Insurance pursuant to the provisions of the articles of association; participate in the dissolution of the Mutual Insurance upon distribution of the remaining assets according to the contribution of the Member to the share capital use the services provided by the Mutual insurance; participate in the activities of the Mutual Insurance; participate in events organised by the Mutual Insurance; step out of the Mutual Insurance.
The obligations of the members, an extract from the statutes.
3.3.1. Members are required to: perform the obligations arising from the articles of association and legislation of the association, as well as the legal decisions of the management and control bodies of the association and decisions in conformity with the articles of association of the association; pay the connection fee and contribution in the amount and pursuant to the procedure provided for in the articles of association of the association; pay other ad hoc payments in accordance with the resolutions of the general meeting; keep your business secret.
2. Pay a one-time subscription fee of €25.
Any adult who does not have a valid criminal record or who has not been subject to bankruptcy proceedings may become a Member.
Admission fee
We use subscription fees for the development of our common insurance association. From the fees of the first members, we shall make the necessary expenses to introduce the mutual insurnace to the general public, collect a share capital of the Mutual Insurance company ÜKS and prepare all necessary for applying for the activity licence of the insurance undertaking from the Financial Supervision Authority.
3. Contribute the appropriate amount paying the share capital.
Make a min. 100 € contribution to Mutual Insurance company ÜKS account number of Estonian insurance association E157700771004349083. For clarification, mark “share capital contribution”.
1. Sisesta oma andmed ja saada liitumisavaldus.
Liikmeks võib saada iga Eestis registreeritud juriidiline isik või välisriigi äriühingu Eesti filiaal, mille suhtes ei ole alustatud pankrotimenetlust või likvideerimismenetlust.
Liikmete õigused, väljavõte põhikirjast.
3.2.1. Ühistu liikmel on õigus: tutvuda Ühistu põhikirjaga, liikmete nimekirjaga, samuti üldkoosoleku, juhatuse ning nõukogu otsustega tööajal Ühistu asukohas; võtta osa üldkoosolekust kas isiklikult või volitatud esindaja kaudu; saada üldkoosoleku protokolli ärakiri ja selle väljavõte; saada teavet Ühistu tegevuse tulemuste kohta; saada juhatuselt teavet kõigis üldkoosoleku päevakorda võetud küsimustes; saada kirjalikke teateid üldkoosolekute toimumise aja, koha ja päevakorra kohta, välja arvatud juhul, kui seaduse kohaselt võib üldkoosoleku kutse edastada e-postiga või päevalehes ja Ühistu veebilehel avaldamise teel; valida ja olla valitud Ühistu juhtimis- ja kontrolliorganistesse; osaleda Ühistu kasumi jaotamisel vastavalt põhikirjas sätestatule; osaleda Ühistu lõpetamisel allesjäänud vara jaotamisel vastavalt liikme panusele osakapitali kasutada Ühistu poolt osutatavaid teenuseid; võtta osa Ühistu tegevusest; osaleda Ühistu korraldatavatel üritustel; astuda Ühistust välja.
Liikmete kohustused, väljavõte põhikirjast.
3.3.1. Liikmed on kohustatud: täitma Ühistu põhikirjast ja õigusaktidest tulenevaid kohustusi, samuti Ühistu juhtimis- ja kontrollorganite seaduslikke ning Ühistu põhikirjaga kooskõlas olevaid otsuseid; tasuma Ühistu põhikirjas sätestatud suuruses ja korras liitumistasu ja osamaksu; tasuma muid sihtotstarbelisi makseid vastavalt üldkoosoleku otsustele; hoidma Ühistu ärisaladust.
2. Maksa ühekordne liitumistasu 25€.
Vali liitumistasu makseviis: a) "Tasun pangalingi kaudu", saad maksta kohe kui klikkad "Liitun ühistuga" või b) "Soovin arvet e-postiga". Arve saadame mõlema valiku puhul liitumisavalduses toodud e-posti aadressile.
Liitumistasusid kasutame meie ühise kindlustusühistu arenduseks. Esimeste liikmete tasudest teeme vajalikud kulutused, et tutvustada kindlustusühistut laiemale avalikkusele, koguda Eesti Kindlustusühistu ÜKS osakapital ning ette valmistada kõik vajalik kindlustusandja tegevusloa taotlemiseks Finantsinspektsioonilt.
Liitumistasu makseviisi valik “Tasun pangalingi kaudu” sobib juhul kui saad ise maksta pangalingi kaudu.
Liitumistasu makseviisi valik “”Soovin arvet e-postiga” sobib juhul kui Sa ei soovi maksta pangalingi kaudu ning vajad maksmiseks arvet. Arve saadame e-postiga kohe kui klikkad “Liitun ühistuga”.
3. Panusta osakapitali tasudes Sulle sobiva suurusega osamakse.
Soorita min. 500€ osamakse Eesti Kindlustusühistu ÜKS kontonumbrile EE157700771004349083. Selgituseks märgi “Osakapitali sissemakse”.
PS! The payment explanation “share capital contribution” is appropriate if a Member transfers from an account with its own name. If the transfer for a Member is made by another person, please provide the explanation “share capital contribution + name of the Member for whom the contribution is made”.